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IGSC 2023

IGSC 2023

IGSC 2023

The 4th ITB Graduate School Conference was held on Thursday, 6 July 2023. The conference was officially opened by ITB Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Jaka Sembiring and closing speech by Dean of School of Graduate Studies of ITB Prof. Suprijadi.

The vice rector mentioned that the postgraduate education in ITB is a locomotive for achieving academic excellence through research, innovation, and scientific publications. The ITB International Graduate School Conference (IGSC) is held by ITB Graduate School and Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) as the media for scientific publications of ITB postgraduate students whose basis is the results of their thesis and dissertation research. Thus, continuously support the development of our Scientific Journals and serve as a platform for disseminating the research results. It is in accordance with the role of ITB to support the advancement of science and technology in Indonesia as well as acknowledged globally. Locally relevant and globally respected

During the challenging past years of COVID, some measures were taken to ensure teaching and research were still conducted while being distances apart. Today, this fourth IGSC iteration marks the departure from an online conference to an offline one with the hope that the chosen format will foster exchanges, new ideas, and a positive research ecosystem, especially among our students.

Dr. Chatief Kunjaya acted as Keynote Speaker from Institut Teknologi Bandung whereas Dr. Theerapong Srichiangsa from the Kasetsarts University, Thailand and Dr. Nur Azam Abdullah from International Islamic University Malaysia as invited speakers.

The theme of this 4th IGSC is “Discovery and Innovation for Sustainability” coincides with the 100th year of Bosccha Observatory. The idea in selecting such a tagline was that from discoveries, the secrets of the world was learnt. From that, human was encouraged to innovate for problem solving to make our future sustainable.

The conference listed 37 oral presentations and 37 posters from various fields. Most of the presenters are ITB students. The topics presented at this conference are of a wide range. For example, flood management, game design, geothermal, and cosmology. A very wide spectrum of topics of discoveries, innovations, and sustainability!

The winners were announced as follow: Best Poster: Jeane Wanggai (FTSL), Favorite Poster: Regina Dio Oriandra (S2 FTSL), Best Oral Presenter:  Novita Sari Siregar dan Agatha Cecilia Hutahaean (FTI), and Best Oral Presenter: Megawati Fratiwi (S2 Teknik Kimia, FTI).

Thankful acknowledgement is addressed to ITB rectorate, SPS ITB, LPPM ITB, the keynote speakers, and FTSL for facilitating the venue and the committee, assistants, session chairs, reviewers, and the past committee.

The 4th IGSC has finally come to an end. See you all upcoming participants on 5th! Congratulations to all committee and the winners!